Tuesday, January 4, 2011

High School Pantihose

Phew, it's over! (Village Voice, January 5, 2011)

So search around ... In the faces, the same relief: parties are finally past. Like every year, everyone saw the big point racketeering Christmas presents with the terror of a tax audit. "You give me this, I give it" the last vestige of primitive barter. And with that, indigestion, liver fat "Listeria", the sparkling blunt, children squealing, Galeries Lafayette as the antechamber of hell, families s'étripant as holly, accounts settled in the shadow of fir, with clenched teeth to break. In short: the joy of the great fake commercial rut. After Christmas, 31: Feast obligatory cheering inevitable? You bet! Congestion on the device, Champs Elysees ransacked, friends late, the truths that spring, couples who are breaking down ... Position races: the morning of the new year, humanity has a hangover and prays for the month ends on December 20. Open your eyes: the magic of Christmas is dead at the checkouts of supermarkets and the joy of New Year excite the emergency and firefighters. If you invented something else?


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