Sunday, January 23, 2011

Can I Hide My Ip In Ubuntu

Kampot and Kep: Arrival in Cambodia Phu Quoc

Here it is Vietnam c is over! Again I leave the country backwards ... But I know that many other beauties awaiting me and meetings ... Starting
Phu Quoc, the bike has embarcadaire taking me, I'm sorry. I go into great places that I have not even explored n! I definitely still on my hunger on this island ... good but the Hornets well chilled me anyway ... So here I am
Kampot, I not give the details of the transition boundary, really easy, no worries.
Kampot, downtown has French colonial architecture, charming! The market is impressive (2nd photo): it is a "court" under tarpaulin interior surrounded by buildings or simple everything what you want, it goes to the jewelry, fish, through the dishes.

is a quiet town with a multitude of grotttes and caves nearby. I visit some with child-guides who speak English bluffing. In one of her (Jeje is for you!), We find stalactites form such that when tapped with a stone, a note resounds ... One of the children played relatively well (the video does not pass on the blog, shame). Then they took me to see a lake nearby.

I finished the day with a game of petanque (the colonization of the good times. .. lol) with children ... they are very strong, a little 9-year moving from one tile to tile, really awesome!

I had originally planned to go and stroll in Bokor National Park is 40km, but impossible to go on my own (supposedly, it's actually what they say to force the tourists to take a "tower"), and the agencies offer a tour for $ 22, no negotiation possible, so it will be without me.
I'm leaving myself a stroll Kep, a seaside town 20km from the. Very quiet again, with a magnificent beach and especially endless rows of hammocks ...

Ah yes, I feel compelled to share with you ca ... In Cambodia, they Alain Delon cigarettes! manufactured in France and more ...


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