Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tak Snowmobiles Parts

, or the chance to tour

We're off, Fabrizio, Greg and me in Phu Quoc, a small paradise island in southern Vietnam. Unfortunately, we spent a lot of time to search a bungalow ... In vain, in addition, requires high season! So we knocked on a hotel room in town, which throws a lot less anyway!
Of the 3 days spent here with the guys we've met a lot of local fishermen, etc. ... and had a drink with everyone, sometimes too ... This island is really beautiful whatever level beaches, forest and local life!

Unfortunately the island, she loves me not! I've had all the miseries of the world there! It started with a fall motorcycle ... good some scratches, but nice (we do not see the picture but I also scratched his foot on the coral)!

And then it's worth it I developed! Then, after the departure of the guys, I have met Lola and Elima, two french vacation for a month here (the father of Lola runs a restaurant on the island).

We leave quietly make a day motorbike in the northern island: road agreeable, beautiful weather, walking in the forest, magnificent meal at a resort (a little touristy but private beach, so good) and moving to another deserted beach, we passed a fiddle essein Hornets !!!!!

The kids were dropping the essein and our theory says that the noise of motorcycles has directed them on us! They are picking on us, well mostly Lola and me! They begin to bite and in a panic, the error j confess, I started to shout and Acceleration (I still do not understand how I did it not to fall motorcycle for that matter). Lola has done the same, c is in my view why we are the only ones affected. We were 6 to 4 bikes. A Vietnamese, it took three bites, Lola and me fifteen at last count 28!

s So the chase is over a few hundred meters after, in a village, I have thrown my bike and ran to the people and that they m help to rid myself of 3 Hornets remains on me (my Lola confesses later that she was put s really panicked when she saw the cloud of hornets to attack me in the back).
Once the dust settles, Lola want to go panicky al hospital (she knows she is allergic to bees), accommodation, very friendly, we cover the bites of essential oils and ice and not end up taking us to the nearest clinic. The, the pain reaches its paroxysm, it s my turn to make my panic attack. No I never had experienced pain as sharp! My back was burning and my neck, my ears and arms (or they biensur picnic, oh yes and they even bite through clothing also, the time ...). So panic at the clinic, the "survivors" are involved in dialogue with the doctor, call a taxi (faster that an ambulance) and try to calm us down. The taxi finally arrived (after 3 good quarters of an hour), the, bad road requires every bump hurts me, 1 hour drive!
At the hospital, we find the father of Lola and her friend (Vietnamese, which greatly facilitates the communication). After 15 minutes to find the doctors, we were lying in a room with 10 beds. It must still wait. They end up making us injections and blood tests. The pain fades gently, very gently. Al hospital after five hours, we ask to go home (we had finished a 2 in the same bed without a pillow, with other patients and their family symbol), one is even better when in a bungalow! We go back, go to the pharmacy take 3 days of Medoc and Lola has the great kindness to share his bungalow with me (I slept for 2 nights in a hammock under a mosquito net in a guest house nearby). The next day, pain, burning sensation finally gave way to body aches, can not turn your head for 2 days and then they slowly faded and, after 5 days, start to itch like bites ever. Overall I consider myself lucky! For one, because I wasn t alone when C arrived (well you can always say, AC would not have happened if t had been alone ... but good), two, I had the chance to make my recovery with someone understood my pain and more and with whom I got along wonderfully!
Here are the pictures, oh yes they had me as the eye picks dirt ... strangely, I never suffered, and finally compares the back, neck and arms ... (First picture at the clinic, looking at the right shoulder. 6th picture, I've finally got my revenge in the bungalow, 3 days after! And 7th, place of convalescence)

After 2 days, feeling better, we made the best dishes of the restaurant Lola's father: tray of seafood on the barbecue (a cry) and chocolate fondue ( with fruit from here, I do not even tell you) ... must be of comfort!


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