Monday, January 24, 2011

Thick Discharge With Streaks Of Blood

Phnom Penh, the capital city of 2 million inhabitants! Well it feels ... After Hanoi and Saigon cities halluciant traffic and heavily polluted, Phnom Penh, she is calm, quiet, nice. Traffic is very dilute, no horns ... In short we do not feel in a capital city. With regard to architecture, as has Kampot, found the colonial french, cute and also the temple architecture has very specific binding worship Hindu and Buddhist ... In short I 'm in love.

I stay on Lake Side, a neighborhood backpacker in ship recycling. The guest house where I wanted to stay is in rubble, so I turned on her neighbor standing (even for one month, according to new guidelines from the city). The place is idyllic, a terrace with views of the lake has been made in the guest Empac Demolli. The location is perfect for watching the sunset!

I found the low-Sam, one of french with whom I spent the holidays. The reunions are very lucky. It is precisely by being on the terrace in the evening of my arrival, discussing with backpacker I hear "Cecilia!". The most surprising thing is that I should not be in Phnom Penh before 2 days (Bokor requires) and it was to be still in the Mekong Delta. M'enfin, so we spend three days here together to discover the city's royal palace, with a sublime mural all the way around the main temple, the "killing field" or camp or S21 Khmer Rouge executed thousands of people, impressive (no photo, sorry) and we discover even the Khmer cinema. Well we did not expect was the great film and although we got for our money. It was, shall we say, fun! The movies that we did find a room so that a film. And we fell on a horror movie. The suspense is really laughable as the special effects ... M'enfin is an experience ... Exclusively, the poster (if you find it on the net Rodge, enjoy good by cons ... I do not know the title).

I leave Phnom Penh alone, Sam along the north-east and Siem Reap and Battambang and me doing the opposite.


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