Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Driver Pc Line Pcl-wl01

Divine surprise (Village Voice, 26/01 / 2011)

Was he the first that most Parisian of Handel's Julius Caesar, at the Palais Garnier, January 17? A bunch of ministers, pundits, figures of letters, publishing, media, came close ranks to confront the hydra. Under cover of diplomatic smiles, despite their flourishing rosette, each one had in the iris same fear: "Julius Caesar? Four hours and ten show? What are we going s'emm ... "At the time of greetings, unanimously passed a much different under the paneling. "I can not believe I am not asleep. "It's strange, I thought it was beautiful ..." "Me too! I even laughed, it's unbelievable! "Does this mean that the tunnels Handelian became bearable? Let's not far. But the staging by Laurent Pelly - Harlequin, light and tightrope walker - has increased the chore like a finger of orangeade blurs bromide. Sure, some were offended händelolâtres they dare disturb their holy boredom, because depression has always minions. For the rest, the Pelly method is infallible. Offer him some of scenograph our political debates, the ceremony of the Caesars, the Easter Mass, the parade of November 11-well, they look!


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