Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cajun Microwave Fotos

The (dis) taste Stone (Village Voice, January 12, 2011)

" cuisine is when things taste of what they are. The famous adage Curnonsky, prince of gourmets, is equally fair to the scene. In Paris, we love to hijack a space, kidnap the soul and history, to flatten him a new identity. Thus the "Municipal Funeral Service" pinnacle of hipness became muddy and intellectualism prohibitive under name 104. Not that I regret that empire's coffin, but their "artistic proposals" and other "egg night 'is a very gray hysteria. And what about the Gaite Lyrique? Offenbach got in his greatest fairy tales and made them dance Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. Alas, massacred in the 1980s by the disaster Chalopin John (father of Care Bears and Inspector Gadget), it will soon be the "popular digital arts laboratory. In happy contrast, discovering the beautiful and friendly restaurants and hotels Evreux Castanier (in the book "19, Place Vendome," Arte Prima / Publishing AAM), one understands that with talent, respect and patience, the soul of a place can keep his smile.


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