Thursday, December 16, 2010

Side Effects Of Discontinuing Yaz

, or clouds follow me

Cat Ba Island, I left with only one desire, to return, but we must move ... And I sincerely hope that the weather improves s south ... pfff, it s nice to hope! Again, anecdote of transport. I went through this time agency. The deal was the following: bus up to the port, ship and re up a bus Ninh Binh. Everything goes well until a. .. Haiphong city or, it seems, we don not had accused, he had to change buses. But, 10km from the bus station, a woman stopped our bus and ask all passengers to get off to Ninh Binh, and I execute m 3 other toursits. The bus leaves. It tells us that the station is a 10km bus to the Ninh Binh is at 12am (it's 11:45) so we must hurry, hurry, hurry up on the motorcycle taxis that are, happily, just him and pay 50 000Dong each. The one of the tourists, an Italian s Pissed off frankly, how long those it, and we decided to take a taxi (car) and share the costs, we will have a total of 50 000D. I confess this blow the breath me! I am persuaded that the bus where we were taking us to the station where we had to make the match but the driver let this woman down for us to pump our money! In short, new money arrives at the station on time and against all odds we have not had repay the bus to Ninh Binh! Transportation here is decidedly strange!
Anyway, so Ninh Binh is nice is that I am neither a night and spent the day with 2 Canadian (with whom we share the taxi, we gladly sow Italian as mild anger). We rented bikes and we are walking around ... in the rain, again. And one of them is s plant ... again, but much less severe this time. He just glides over the mud. So the program visit Tam Coc, site visit by boat with cellars. It was nice.

Then we looked for other wineries but after 1:30 it was simply abandoned and we returned because the rain became really heavy and night approached.


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