Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Burning In Hands After Shower

drone (Village Voice, 15/12/2010)

"And you, for Christmas, you'll see a fun show? "To hell with this dictatorship of joyful! Nettle, this tyranny of smiles! As if, during the truce confectioners, our faces froze in good shape. Unable to escape the fun, to dream, to rejoice: A strings attached to the French Comedie, My Fair Lady the Chatelet, Phi-Phi at the Athenaeum, Lake Swan at the Opera, an inevitable Walt Disney at the Grand Rex , to paint bracing and pantheistic Monet ... there is for the happiness! And the right to depression, then? Will it soon pass an amendment to the Assembly to escape this "pastellisation" tones, which makes life sugar and honey, just a few days. Santa himself has had enough. Even once, it would make a face. After decades of slavery hilarious, Santa Claus cherishes a secret dream flop alone, marcel, Formica in the kitchen to empty a bottle of Boulaouane reading of Cioran. But this is a fantasy, as already Tino Rossi call to order and Santa's Little Helper finds his smug smile. Like all of us ... We can not escape it: happiness is our cross. Yippee! Yippee!


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