Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Happen To Fakku 2010

... (Village Voice, February 16, 2011)

Fact: Gavroche has a wry face. The banter is a Parisian antique, a gimmick for tourists. Apart from some café or traders who reflexively affect business, speaking Parigot survives only in movies, Gabin the glances of Arletty, Celine's novels and thrillers of San Antonio. For the rest, titis are dead, replaced by "zivas. In each century of its flowers pavement. Reasons why we must rush to the appearance on DVD of the film the least known of Michel Audiard: Vive la France! . Forgotten since its release in 1974, this documentary is a marvel. In 72 minutes, the Dialogue of the Tontons flingueurs gave a lesson in mind Parigot, bad faith and mocking scathing honesty. Commenting itself archival footage, the filmmaker explains in his own way the twentieth century. And it rocks farm! Verdun, Blum, Vichy, de Gaulle, Algeria, Indochina, May 68 pass through the mill of this authentic visual pamphlet which nobody appears free (if the viewer laughing and satisfied). Beside that, the trifles of a Karl Zero are a wee warm water. Enjoyable!


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