Monday, February 21, 2011

Does Quitting Smoking Cause Joint Pain?

Don Det, or Paradise on Earth!

Cambodia's it is over c ... it went very very quickly. So here I am en route to Laos. The border crossing is done quietly. Don det destination or Sam (french already crossed 4 times, Dalat, Saigon, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, for those who do not) release it already since one week. He introduced me to the family of the guest house where he stays.

The guest has only 3 bungalows and a restaurant, as saying that one does not work on it. The family, she is simply adorable. Children (nephews and nieces of the couple tenantier) we balladent boat, take us sin, we landed on a nearby island and play a cat or throw water al pretending to drown in that water as it goes s. .. .

South of the island are larger waterfalls. Beside, they pale in Ratanakiri. An impressive flow, a width of same magnitude. We do not bathe in it's ... we admire is c!

center Don det, he, in rice fields (c is not the right season, it's dry ...), and footpaths for linking Sunrise Blvd Sunset Blvd ... You understand that the low- means of transport is the bicycle. Walking is too affected by these temperatures and because the distances (1 hour walk from north to south of the island).

So the program: small jog in the morning, lounging in hammocks in the heat of the day, card games (the guest is full of french. .) and petanque. What you ask for?

One evening, the family invites us to go "celebrate" a funeral on a neighboring island. The surprise, surprise c is beautiful and truly a "party" awaits us. So scene, loud music (like traditional pop, yet), and of course beer (Beer Lao, of course). We spend the evening and even then the night there. Mama we discover in a new light. Not seeing that cooking or s occupy the house the day we see here, drinking and dancing like never before ... and especially watch out for ass shots ... It does that leave at 5am in the morning, completely washing. Ah yes, a small detail: the journey is at night, boat and light without ... they are strong these Laos!

I said that the guest was full of french. Among them a couple: Chloe and Arthur having spent nearly a month here in this guest. Unfortunately they were leaving, lack of a visa. For their departure, they decided to schedule a pig! And here it receives the live pig! I was able to attend all phases of preparation and even lend a hand. So in order: it is tied up, never cry like AC, then it bled, then the scald is the "hair removal" is the vacuum, the crucified and fired ... And the result was delicious (but not as much as that of my 25 years ...).

And of course the end of the evening, the ceremony of departure or the head of the family incantations before establishing after son Travelers around the wrists. Then, all those attending the ceremony are the same. So we end up with a dozen bracelets on each arm ...


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