Monday, February 21, 2011

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Kratie, or swimming in the Mekong Angkor

After Siem Reap and the magnificent temples of Angkor I see myself forced to go through Phnom Penh. And for good reason, I have made the request of a working holiday visa for Australia.

For more diligent, you will tell me that it was not in my schedule well you're right. And I assure you that all this is the fault of Steven and Matthew.
Well, nobody knows (except you Audrey if you read my blog). In short, these are the french meetings convinced me that Nepal Slideshow of a sudden that Australia could not be missed. My itinerary is based on the seasons I am therefore, to my great regret, compelled to extend my trip a year early ... Bah ca to be at least this small island.

All that to say that I posit for the "working holiday visa Australian and being passed through India and Southeast Asia, I must send them a chest X-ray to verify the absence of TB and this, in a related etablissemt al'ambasse biensur and within a period of 20 days. That suits me. In short, so I change my schedule and go for four days in Phnom Penh, again. Good Those days are without interest, mostly spent discussing with travelers on the terrace and admire the sunset.

then I can resume my journey. Kratie destination on the banks of the Mekong. I only stayed two days. This visit aimed to reduce the trip to Ratanakiri in the northeast. The
, I met a professor of french that I ride the day in the neighborhood. It starts with the place frequented by local families on Sundays. I really fell in love with this place, great at that. It then crosses the whole family, eating, bathing, taking a nap ...

My guide takes me away for a dip. The fresh water is a joy under the sun ... 30 ° C. I then presented a few of these students, particularly shy.

For the evening, he suggests I go celebrate the end of the year these students "boys" this time in the pagoda village, or I contemplate a beautiful sunset. I agree though obviously happy and here I am therefore has dinner with his colleagues and teachers some of these students then end up dancing the traditional dance, or pop into the nearby field next to the wall of his spitting the dB.

Malheureusememt, bystanders were not friendly prompts and my host had to ask his students to escort us up at my hotel for fear that it will make assaulting a one bike ...


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