Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pre Signs Of Stomach Flu

My new book comes out next Thursday ... Tenor

coverage here and the (very friendly) summary of the publisher:

Friends from childhood, Nicolas (the sender) and Nicolas (the recipient) have formed an inseparable duo in almost thirty years ... Until death do us part. Since then, silence has engulfed a long rambling conversation, the two young schoolboys followers of the four hundred rounds, barely entered manhood.
How to live with the disappearance of his twin? How to exist without that which was a mirror and a reference? How to forgive his departure deliberate? When mourning is impossible to follow all the emotions in a whirl infernal rebellion, love, anger, jealousy, frustration, despair ... By painting a picture of one with whom he lived his initiation founder, the author is therefore aimed at an absent, but the scandal of his absence. Above all, he does not praise a quitter, saying that he is gone: to settle old scores, to wring the neck a shade too stubborn to finish with a union that remains beyond death. Unable to revive him who brought with him many mysteries and unspoken, but suicide Nicolas, tortured character, self-styled poet cursed, is a permanent affront those who survive and make up, modestly, with the real. Letter thrown overboard from one of the finest ships in the world, this text flamboyant style and passionate tribute to a friendship so intense and cumbersome.
here also the principle of the collection "Goodfellas"
When all is said it is not possible to turn the page, write to other becomes the only option. But take action is risky. Thus, after avoirrédigé his letter to his father Kafka had preferred store in a drawer. Write letter, only one, is to choose the end point, get rid of an old story. The collection "Goodfellas" is therefore the request to its authors: "Write the letter you have ever written."
finally, in the same collection, you will find the "other girl" s Annie Ernaux and "Vincennes" Bruno Tessarech.

Orthopedist Best Orange

yourself! (Village Voice, 23 / 02 / 2011) If there was a cheeky

It sometimes feels very old. Just one sentence: "How? You're a music critic and you do not know Amaury Vassili? But the youngest tenor in the world and will represent France at Eurovision ! Immediately, my heart jumped: Miracle! Real music in prime time in fifty countries? In es-pe-re! Alas, the bride was beautiful too ... I'm off on the Internet and raises the veil of Isis. A tenor? No, one of those brawlers who ténorinos bar of the top Italian chant his twenty spring. A pure product marketing says he discovered by listening to the song lyric Florent Pagny. Admittedly, the descent is obvious: if he sings better than her eldest, it Rouen has no vocal technique, as long as can be judged. So he tries to Alfredo, Don José, Romeo, and we will talk! Before getting lost in the "Variety," Pavarotti was the most beautiful voice in the world. Amaury Vasily plunges directly into the marshmallow. "But he's only 21 years! "I retort it. Exactly! It is an insult to the real singers cravachent for years. At age 21, an opera singer does not wobble on TV: it works, works, works ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Does Quitting Smoking Cause Joint Pain?

Don Det, or Paradise on Earth!

Cambodia's it is over c ... it went very very quickly. So here I am en route to Laos. The border crossing is done quietly. Don det destination or Sam (french already crossed 4 times, Dalat, Saigon, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, for those who do not) release it already since one week. He introduced me to the family of the guest house where he stays.

The guest has only 3 bungalows and a restaurant, as saying that one does not work on it. The family, she is simply adorable. Children (nephews and nieces of the couple tenantier) we balladent boat, take us sin, we landed on a nearby island and play a cat or throw water al pretending to drown in that water as it goes s. .. .

South of the island are larger waterfalls. Beside, they pale in Ratanakiri. An impressive flow, a width of same magnitude. We do not bathe in it's ... we admire is c!

center Don det, he, in rice fields (c is not the right season, it's dry ...), and footpaths for linking Sunrise Blvd Sunset Blvd ... You understand that the low- means of transport is the bicycle. Walking is too affected by these temperatures and because the distances (1 hour walk from north to south of the island).

So the program: small jog in the morning, lounging in hammocks in the heat of the day, card games (the guest is full of french. .) and petanque. What you ask for?

One evening, the family invites us to go "celebrate" a funeral on a neighboring island. The surprise, surprise c is beautiful and truly a "party" awaits us. So scene, loud music (like traditional pop, yet), and of course beer (Beer Lao, of course). We spend the evening and even then the night there. Mama we discover in a new light. Not seeing that cooking or s occupy the house the day we see here, drinking and dancing like never before ... and especially watch out for ass shots ... It does that leave at 5am in the morning, completely washing. Ah yes, a small detail: the journey is at night, boat and light without ... they are strong these Laos!

I said that the guest was full of french. Among them a couple: Chloe and Arthur having spent nearly a month here in this guest. Unfortunately they were leaving, lack of a visa. For their departure, they decided to schedule a pig! And here it receives the live pig! I was able to attend all phases of preparation and even lend a hand. So in order: it is tied up, never cry like AC, then it bled, then the scald is the "hair removal" is the vacuum, the crucified and fired ... And the result was delicious (but not as much as that of my 25 years ...).

And of course the end of the evening, the ceremony of departure or the head of the family incantations before establishing after son Travelers around the wrists. Then, all those attending the ceremony are the same. So we end up with a dozen bracelets on each arm ...

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Ratanakiri, like a fish in water

I am now in Ban Lung in the Ratanakiri province in northeast Cambodia. This area is famous for its very low density and the presence of tourists moult waterfalls .... This actually is my favorite destination! And I was not disappointed!
first site: a lake formed in a crater of a volcano (the first theory, others speak of a meteorite ... we will not know ...) and I have fun to dive first and then only with a teenager ( I learned that the front flip) and an Englishman traveling from 18months ...

Then, well I'll spare you the list of waterfalls, there are 4, here are the pictures (you can not see but I am bathed in all). Incidentally, has one to access it, you have to cross the rubber plantations .... just impressive (given the size of the plantation).

And for the last day, I went to see the 40km river Tonle San. It does not look like that far, but imagine that on the track is ground or sand, in any case not exceed the 30km / h. And every passing car leaves me a 1 mm layer of dust, very nice! I complain, I complain, but I love rally driving (now that I no longer falls too ...) and c is on these roads that we meet the most charming villages.

Ban Lung in itself has nothing special aside a small lake with magnificent sunsets that can be admired on benches or in dining just drinking a shot and walk offering all kinds of insects (look at the size of these roaches!).

I still have not had the courage to leap ... soon, soon ...

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Kratie, or swimming in the Mekong Angkor

After Siem Reap and the magnificent temples of Angkor I see myself forced to go through Phnom Penh. And for good reason, I have made the request of a working holiday visa for Australia.

For more diligent, you will tell me that it was not in my schedule well you're right. And I assure you that all this is the fault of Steven and Matthew.
Well, nobody knows (except you Audrey if you read my blog). In short, these are the french meetings convinced me that Nepal Slideshow of a sudden that Australia could not be missed. My itinerary is based on the seasons I am therefore, to my great regret, compelled to extend my trip a year early ... Bah ca to be at least this small island.

All that to say that I posit for the "working holiday visa Australian and being passed through India and Southeast Asia, I must send them a chest X-ray to verify the absence of TB and this, in a related etablissemt al'ambasse biensur and within a period of 20 days. That suits me. In short, so I change my schedule and go for four days in Phnom Penh, again. Good Those days are without interest, mostly spent discussing with travelers on the terrace and admire the sunset.

then I can resume my journey. Kratie destination on the banks of the Mekong. I only stayed two days. This visit aimed to reduce the trip to Ratanakiri in the northeast. The
, I met a professor of french that I ride the day in the neighborhood. It starts with the place frequented by local families on Sundays. I really fell in love with this place, great at that. It then crosses the whole family, eating, bathing, taking a nap ...

My guide takes me away for a dip. The fresh water is a joy under the sun ... 30 ° C. I then presented a few of these students, particularly shy.

For the evening, he suggests I go celebrate the end of the year these students "boys" this time in the pagoda village, or I contemplate a beautiful sunset. I agree though obviously happy and here I am therefore has dinner with his colleagues and teachers some of these students then end up dancing the traditional dance, or pop into the nearby field next to the wall of his spitting the dB.

Malheureusememt, bystanders were not friendly prompts and my host had to ask his students to escort us up at my hotel for fear that it will make assaulting a one bike ...