Friday, May 9, 2008

What Kind Of Doctor Treats Leg Pain


A ticket in September announced that the Journal would numismatics "soon" in Perseus (portal of journals in the humanities).
few months ago, suggested a beta version Perseus (Perseus 2) parallel to its "normal" version.
Last month, talks are continuing on the issue of explicit assignment of copyright in the online publication of recent articles in the RN.
And now that I may not announced anywhere:
  1. 2 Perseus becomes the consultation interface by default ( apparently it's been two months ...). The
  2. Numismatic Journal is available for the years 1958-2003
I do not like the colors (the text is quite gray), but the interface is very responsive, pleasant, rebounds are many: can circulate in the collections without going through the search engine (to the desirability of a structured a simple search engine).
The user has the ability to create an account to personalize their space , etc..
- about it, when will the French institutions they understand that when you create 50 accounts, typically 50 times using the same password, and therefore it is important that this password does not appear in light on the network. Not on the screen, of course, but there are very easy to use software to find out what his neighbor when he sailed into http and not https.
To date, neither Gallica 2, nor in its former Europeana version, or Perseus 2, use of https for the login screen.

I derived from my initial purpose. Note
heading Research Article offering to upload the gray literature (all written, conferences, etc.. Flowing a little under the mantle, are not published but are an important part of scientific production ). This is another item in the project (a little hollow), but a good idea anyway.
I let you play with Panorama Perseus 2. It's a bit tiring in the long run, but very playful.
It's missing, just like Calames , A blog Perseus 2, which we keep abreast of developments and prospects of the interface.


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