Friday, May 9, 2008

How Much Would A Topsy Turvy Cake Cost

Counting items in numismatics

I discovered by chance that the site Dialnet (English site, but also offers a French interface) remains issues of the journal numismatics since 1996 (and the equivalent Belgian magazine since 1996 also).
Base Article @ INIST remains 44 journals in history , but nothing directly on numismatics (or simply "the auxiliary sciences of history).
I'd be interested to know other databases (free) offering such recounts. Possibly the oldest and most especially for a large number of journals.
Because when I had to gather documentation on the guilder for a draft article little ambitious, I assumed that there was necessarily a (at least) reference book devoted to this currency, which identified the specimens, copies, written sources known, and so on.
I struggled to find (It is Mr. Bernocchi, della Republica fiorentina The monete . Florence, 1974, a tome is devoted to the guilder). And I find it used a bibliographic database pays off: bibliography of medieval civilization (published by Brepols).
That showed me all the limits of free and general character:
  • unsystematic (what is Google Scholar? What is not? ... )
  • heterogeneous (little or no rebound of a record to another, putting a limit, ultimately, the serendipity dear to the web 2: Currently, it is good to stroll, not methodical work).


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