Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sample Car Deposit Receipt

Coffee cold sheet

Aspen White Aspen snow you

The Thousandth Edition
I love you oh oh gloss
the pink incase of doubt
In the wolves
lined by the source
grow teeth sugar
adults naughty
wise move passengers
Who childhood
And dangle
on earth Like a dark cloud
Stand up straight and stay here
Shut up and be polite
Poli as death
Who has forgotten the passage
Ah adults stay
childhood de-ice And put

going anywhere where their language
Built for
oh the irony in the heart topiary in a tureen
too kitschy kitchen kit
In Fort
single or two!


Arquer Angel Archer
Load hearth
taunt H
Two bone head
hard nipples groping
In plating accented tunic
who fulminated air
and closes the spitting fountains
craters cast
fontanelles are kneelers
For backward fairy
Who dream of hell
Irons of thought
Hookah is the meaning
hastily with ax In
hashish facings
Se hatched teeth
edentulism For the coronary heart
crown garnets
The pomegranate flower beds
Who shattered
theft and make docile and endow
of And love
amadouent and in good conscience soften

To better domicile.


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