Thursday, February 4, 2010

Funniest Sounding Element

I'm not here to crimp our silences
not there to catch the light in his fall
not there to solve equations with unknown love
I began to live in a palace furious
Where nothing is absent from his own reflection
From washing windows fogged daily boredom
Of my tears that are untouchable pariahs
beautiful amidst the chaos And
unbewitch witnesses our wedding:
This table is an isolation cell
This chair is a well of loneliness
This book is the devil and the other is an angel
This clock is a cut-throat
This toothbrush is an animal The company
bed is a tank that crushes our bodies
Doors are intermittent attendance
Carpets seas lyophilized
And this screen is an oracle which supplies our demons
My love, I took advantage of the life that look across
Your eyes are thrones
our love is the only truth of the moment who sits
Your mouth is close to say the offense, the offense Leak
I kiss your moods acrylic I embrace an unfinished painting
And I dance on the piano elephant tusks
The castle is in agony when I want to forget
Decadence stairs that lead to night:
black woman with breasts open like dark purple
Love is a panther lurking under the skin
A rattle that crawls on the ground, rake
I cling to your hair my love to your fangs
At your neck sweat For the syrup
pores of the night wide open in death
That turn dizzy turn change into life
For horns of the mystery that unites us.


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