Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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Mal given birth
Talk Time epidural
Who sings the empyrean
Empire And our way streets
Our bloods snowing so solemn
What We ringing hollow for two
Who heckle the source of the Cours Mirabeau
And blur the destiny advanced by the Tarot of Marseilles
See, my brother etymology etymon
My flesh My flesh
the gates of Aix en rain
We drank from the same vine dried
death in the soul of Rimbaud
Followed the trail of the In other words John
ossuaries in
ballad poems embroidered shrouds for the resurrection
My man-child at apache plume
I pipe the dice and replays chance
Our endless meetings at the denouement of the stars
deprivation beings in time and place desired

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Blade is concretion of time and space
Face shimmering harder than because of the schism
Born In Fire
gross incandescent
Still must feel
heart And true to his groundswell
Even would we do in life
What a simple claw
A piece of chalk Table
At the end of our names
We must honor the ritual of the living
We're simply not going to dwell We
lightning storm So intensely
enlarge the gulf of our soul and still
Life along the edge, ready to fall
In the destitution of a star or tense first

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We're somewhere in the stone
We live sequelae
Arms are our lives
exfoliated desire
Far dens of familiarity
And the mystique of the fire re-imburse
flesh fossils
We soften the stone
dint of lick to soften
These We soften moods divine

Whose death is the guardian stone
We asséchons heaven its thousand
In Gods wounds
Pleiades Lying in the firmament serene

O infirm mother
Nestled in utero night
I contemplate this admission of powerlessness
suffered martyrdom at the beauty

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Today turns
In most servile Today relics
Enshrined in our brains
A lustful kiss hours
A laundry
In our memories of the Ganges idle narcosis
And convalescence
Planted in sun lounges
Fallen to do more to pray
If this does Tonight is
there while we put
Like a bird of prey
Rivé its big moon eyes

Sunday, February 21, 2010

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He opens his arms
EDC and Sélune
His arms Divided by the sword
water I see the flaw in the armor
As he comes to me with his
And Lisesi his wounds drowned
The large burned by light
The sea is covered with a bandage singing
But the whole mystery suppurates
In the cold calculation of hours
He snorts and is released from his body
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the gates grimacing
He screams his dragon
In pitching it kneel And love
shell raw, everything turns out to live
Everything is dirty ways
Without status
His eyes darkening inks the work of His signs is the forcing

Without any hope of remission
I hug in the winds knocked

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Coffee cold sheet

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I love you oh oh gloss
the pink incase of doubt
In the wolves
lined by the source
grow teeth sugar
adults naughty
wise move passengers
Who childhood
And dangle
on earth Like a dark cloud
Stand up straight and stay here
Shut up and be polite
Poli as death
Who has forgotten the passage
Ah adults stay
childhood de-ice And put

going anywhere where their language
Built for
oh the irony in the heart topiary in a tureen
too kitschy kitchen kit
In Fort
single or two!


Arquer Angel Archer
Load hearth
taunt H
Two bone head
hard nipples groping
In plating accented tunic
who fulminated air
and closes the spitting fountains
craters cast
fontanelles are kneelers
For backward fairy
Who dream of hell
Irons of thought
Hookah is the meaning
hastily with ax In
hashish facings
Se hatched teeth
edentulism For the coronary heart
crown garnets
The pomegranate flower beds
Who shattered
theft and make docile and endow
of And love
amadouent and in good conscience soften

To better domicile.

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There is no sanctuary

refuge that takes

When life looks

Here you straight in the eyes awake défroquent

The reality


their vocation The blood tearing up the

Rise mast mind

boasts salt

brutalized in the streets

Saturated decor and debauchery

They transcend all levels

Disfigured consciousness

They pray to transfigure

A imagine other

screaming winds, tides on forbidden doors

Rosettes rebellious, hobbies

pink sky at night is pure resistance

And meditate Mediterranean

Medina in their hands clasped

booster shot of the Monad

They are lighthouses, places defenestrated

The disabled in the firmament amputated

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His thought building wind

Empire's grip

Under the moon tambourine

I bite the bush

acquit his neck

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And it shows me the seal

The miraculous

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common emanate from the angel
A Night at the Spine burning
And for the love of his radical look
The crowd The crowd became eman
absorbed our expectations
Se look bloodless
On a fait accompli
marry us our light
Without fear his ovulations

Thursday, February 11, 2010

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My love Take me In front

And even if it bleeds
a thousand thorns, vintage
What It disgorged a sun
it decapitates the sky
Even if the sea is emerging
the tide low, low voice concern
Your forehead is a stone
From those we pray
Milliaire and first
Fronton chimeras
Bélière sonnets.

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Love love
live branches that can
the pool of dreams
For the rivers in his palace
red sun The night is rounded back
Think warbling
My bow Angel is
A right angle
He sleeps in your mouth
A thousand places the narrow language
Venelles past also
Mat Interlocking Overrides
hymens of deaf
Opportunities mystery
A turnkey drilling in key
Main Floor welcomed
It takes time
He takes off his head straps
Naked, loudly
The helmet is at his feet
The storm is orange
Who lightning
Erupts in our temples
And leaves us in pulp
And we let in rain.

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Trophy perfect morning circle, the last star
The last act - we intermission
Split Alloy day / night
In my mouth I keep your mouth fresh cut

This almost touch
Under the moon abrasive
Under deer

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Déroutes and insolvency blue
Triptych joint bare
My angel prostrated himself in front of the big washing
ancient Rome decanted
dissects his songs to his tales of broken lands
In the suburbs of shadow Olive trees in negative
silent Passion
Sex is not a place
Bombarded weaknesses
A stanza excessive red meat
Where disgorge their salts
The ceiling is white
enjoyment I found my angel smiling
Where it tightens the blade between his teeth?

Monday, February 8, 2010

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I divided and subdivided
His face that night monkey
Thousand Thousand corpses bait
Apaches, I thought
The fragmentation of the turmoil in the I
Transfigure ax
Routes blood

When Projectile duo dual
Words are fools
Who struggle in the language of these wounds And
Opens a red rose
Who empoitrine another
Up stifle.

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The Mystique of broken glass on the walls

The swell to cross the barbed wire tore
Who innocence
My Love Is a hypertext
nerve Peace
Buried in the nave
A gondola
A heavy gold sickle
In a field of violets
the wake of sex mingled with the thought
The captive of the senses
pegs Circe
Who shake the story: Hung
lips apocryphal childhood
Our bodies repatriated.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How To Build A Castle For Outside

The eyelets are indebted to light up his sense
Who banned
Forgive me if I scrunched our glances
was for a good cause animal
For crumble a bit of themselves in the wind encounters
lets go and eat in the mouths of others
Yes, I violate my metabolism steam
My escapades cardiovascular
as I move through the dark resurrections
I discovered the language of slavery
That I beat a retreat that I cut like a fruit
bleeding in Sicily his body citrus
And I invite you to honor our blood everywhere
Because my love is a master of his apologies.

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Constant: IT
Raval and her sadness
In the run length and breadth
The queen and her train hand
Contraction extrasystole
The sun sinking in his chest

Cup short horizon
our hands Our hands and exchange a
guns fire off

cross the sea Sitting in his impatience
Huge facelift
Oracle angry that we lick eyes
ogress of lights, take me in your hips

layer of wood- me on your huge belly
Petri loves aborted
Hope fallen across the abyss
It's a little grayer
He even black suddenly
Our dry skins thirst
In alkaline kindness, laughter bird
Our fingers without nails clawing
The emptiness of our childhood screed
The gravity of our hollow core
Basta sweet folly explosions
The sea Reform to grade
Simple Living
And the seagulls ellipsis
Flip the cry of the hourglass Let the sea

Thursday, February 4, 2010

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I'm not here to crimp our silences
not there to catch the light in his fall
not there to solve equations with unknown love
I began to live in a palace furious
Where nothing is absent from his own reflection
From washing windows fogged daily boredom
Of my tears that are untouchable pariahs
beautiful amidst the chaos And
unbewitch witnesses our wedding:
This table is an isolation cell
This chair is a well of loneliness
This book is the devil and the other is an angel
This clock is a cut-throat
This toothbrush is an animal The company
bed is a tank that crushes our bodies
Doors are intermittent attendance
Carpets seas lyophilized
And this screen is an oracle which supplies our demons
My love, I took advantage of the life that look across
Your eyes are thrones
our love is the only truth of the moment who sits
Your mouth is close to say the offense, the offense Leak
I kiss your moods acrylic I embrace an unfinished painting
And I dance on the piano elephant tusks
The castle is in agony when I want to forget
Decadence stairs that lead to night:
black woman with breasts open like dark purple
Love is a panther lurking under the skin
A rattle that crawls on the ground, rake
I cling to your hair my love to your fangs
At your neck sweat For the syrup
pores of the night wide open in death
That turn dizzy turn change into life
For horns of the mystery that unites us.

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Chahut skin resonates
On bones scattered hut
Paths of saliva
In parenthesis lip
jangling lidocaine
Reversal of destiny forged
I see him double
child sheep
Prostrate to clear eye In their Sunday best glades

In his makeshift bed
He has made his voice
He said: "My house is a raft," the source
And through her mouth And
source violone
me Until the night of offal
O hearts plagiarism, where beaches roped
The sea has dreamed:
him dressed in his anagrams
questioned the stone of my drowsy sleep
While on a hopscotch
I took the dimensions of his love for her sewing
face downstream.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

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Love is still hot in bed
Traces of the angel that it is debated:
He spoke at times open
opened all the locks on his finger
His right hand was a burning fire
And her face a dream instrument
Who mortally wounded divisions of the past.

Monday, February 1, 2010

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Finally, goodbye
The body of his house In my heart slowed

The old girl
Unleashed sunflower
Earthen birth
Closed door to sell
Nothing to see, move along

is a day with a huge blue and white petals
that are not walled
The girl will go over his loneliness
walk in the greenhouse in my eyes Through the arbor
rusted thorns and roses
With his memories extending strangled smile When
hand trembled nothing more hugging
What this bit of shade cord that looked like him more.

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