Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Long Does It Take To Get Results For A Std

As promised, I added a button on Wikio Subscribe "in the sidebar of this blog, to facilitate the subscription to the RSS feed directly into the platform.
But even if I find that their subscription system greatly facilitates the handling of RSS son, since it can cause existing subscriptions to son (available on blogs and newspaper sites) as in son dynamic (query Wikio) without the word RSS (or XML) appears.
The objective is clearly to retract this term considered too "geek" (although j'aborre this word ...) for a more fluid expression: "subscribe". However I think it
an improvement that is of interest only very temporary: the son feeds are now on the Internet so that users know and recognize increasingly that word. RSS will probably some time in both treated as "HTML" or "PDF". Two signs
/ factors for this:
  1. if the user no longer sees "RSS" on Wikio he sees elsewhere. So get used to it. A point that may come a day when the new owner will say to Wikio a results list: "Where is their RSS feed?"
  2. podcasts are from the same principle as the son RSS: they are to sound files (radio) what are the son RSS for newspapers. Yet the term "podcast" is completely assimilated into the youth culture (from what I perceive, at least: by far). If it's hard to explain to a visitor what an RSS feed, more often it is possible to say: "This is a podcast for web pages", and his face lights up.


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