Thursday, October 30, 2008

62 Year Old Male Wants To Have An Erection?

identify places and people

Gallica (not Google) has digitized topo directories (2 vols.) And bio-bibliography (2 vols.) Ulysse Chevalier (two volumes).
The tool is essential to identify the characters and places from the deeds and other written sources.
To identify the places, the Orbis Latinus is also essential, providing the Latin names in alphabetical order.
For the Latin equivalent of a French name (or another country) you can do a Google search on the pages of this site, such from this page (by adding the name sought by head of research).

You may have noticed, I write little now and I do not know if it'll work out. It worries me and upsets me, but I can not do much about. My apologies.