Monday, September 1, 2008

How To Sew A Anarkalisuit

Medallist Bertrand: places

Following a request from the Archaeological Museum of Dijon, after having established the medieval and modern coins médailler Bertrand (forthcoming 2009), I must make a brief presentation. I also want to
reuse a pipe (from "Yahoo Pipes") for rapid projection on a map with a list of names.
Here is the list of issuers in the Collection:
Location: Aix-la-Chapelle; City: Aix-la-Chapelle, Country: Germany
Location: France; City: Paris, Country: France
Location: Angouleme Town: Angouleme Country: France
Location: Beam; City: Foix Country: France
Location: Navarre City: Pau Country: France
Location: Dijon City: Dijon Country: France
Location: Auxerre City: Auxerre Country: France
Location: Thunder; City: Thunder, Country: France
Location: Troyes City: Troyes Country: France
Location: Meaux City: Meaux Country: France
Location: Vienna; City: Vienna Country: France
Location: Besançon City: Besançon Country: France
Location: Dole; City: Dole; Country: France
Location: Aquitaine City: Bordeaux Country: France
Location: Dombes; City: Bourg-en-Bresse, Country: France
Location: Lorraine City: Lorraine Country: France
Location: League; City: Paris, Country: France
Location: Aix-en-Provence City Aix-en-Provence Country: France
Location: Savoie City: Chambery Country: France
Location: Valencia City: Valencia Country: France
Location: England City: London Country: England
Location: Scotland ; City: Edinburgh, Country: Scotland
Location: Spain City: Madrid Country: Spain
Location: Geneva City: Geneva Country: Switzerland
Location: Gelderland City: Arnhem Country: Netherlands
Location: Hainault ; City: Tournai, Country: Belgium
Location: Brabant; City: Namur Country: Belgium
distribution map resulting is not really homogeneous, even if a strong spring (but relative) representation workshops in eastern France.